Feather & Folly

Feather & Folly Gin Packaging Design & Logo
Goose Ridge Estate Vineyard & Winery came to CF Napa to develop the name, logo, and packaging for their new-age gin distilled from wine grapes.


Goose Ridge Estate Vineyard & Winery


United States

Project Scope



2022 Packaging of the World

2022 World Brand Design Society

2022/23 World Brand Design Society Awards - Commended Mark

2023 ADI - Best Spirits Label

2023 ADI - Excellence in Packaging, Gold

2023 Beverage Testing Institute Packaging Compendium - Runner-Up

2023 CQ72 - Runner-Up

2023 San Francisco World Spirits Competition - Silver

2023 The Dieline

2023 The Design & Packaging Masters - Gold

2024 Graphis Design Annual - Gold

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Feather & Folly Gin Packaging Design & Logo
The gin would initially launch in the Pacific Northwest and was targeted toward Millennials who prefer a lower juniper flavor profile. The goal of this gin was for it to be favored by adventurous mixologists and curious cocktail lovers alike.
Feather & Folly Gin Wordmark Label Design Detail
CF Napa developed the name Feather & Folly to express a free-spirited personality and provide a wink back to Goose Ridge. The tattoo-style illustration makes use of the age-old symbolism of the Garden of Eden and depicts the balance of free will and the folly of human nature through the hidden symbology of the serpent in pursuit of the bird.
Feather & Folly Gin Label Design Detail
Feather & Folly Gin Illustration Label Design Detail
Key botanical ingredients of the gin along with other flora are woven throughout the illustration. The bright yellow of the label was selected for its optimistic and youthful connotations while providing a fresh fruit-forward flavor cue and an ownable brand color within the competitive landscape of gin.
Feather & Folly Gin Top Strip Label Design Detail
Brand Strategy
Story Development
