Brad Halling American Whiskey

BHAWK Spirits Website Design (New)
Brad Halling American Whiskey Ko. came to CF Napa to create the website for their new North Carolina-based spirits company.


Brad Halling American Whiskey Ko. (BHAWK)


United States

Project Scope


BHAWK Spirits Website Design (New)
Founded by Brad and Jess Halling, a couple with a combined 49 years of service in the United States Army, the brand would honor members of service, the loved ones that support them, and tell the remarkable stories of Brad and Jess.
BHAWK Website Design Home Page with Thin Outline
The website design needed to act as a vehicle to narrate their truly epic stories and express their extraordinary gratitude. The “Our Story” page was prominently positioned as the first navigation option and provided a detailed account of the Hallings’ years of service. For those who want to learn more, the bottom portion of each page allows viewers to instantly connect with Brad and Jess personally as well as their Halling Whiskey company. The “Spirits” section provided more insight to the inspiration behind the brands and will soon allow consumers to purchase bottles.
BHAWK Our Story Page
BHAWK Our Story Page Continued
The “Distillery” page depicted the many experiences the property will provide, including their Gratitude Room which will be a living museum honoring acts of service and is a reminder of the Hallings’ continuing contributions to their community.
BHAWK Experiences Page
As a final touch, the BHAWK feather icon was used throughout the site – this single fallen eagle feather is a remembrance of those lost in service.
BHAWK Press Page
BHAWK Join Our Team Page
BHAWK Website Design Product Page with Thin Outline
Brand Strategy
Story Development
